Friday, April 25, 2008

Button Pushing Free Life

Have you ever gone mad with someone and got yourself out of control? I have, and very often -- especially when my staff are not doing what they supposed to do, or when the service personnel of a restaurant told me that there is nothing they can do about their stuff up.

I do not enjoy losing my cool, but these incidents just keep coming back to get me. I struggle with it as a Graceful animal do not scream and yell and have red faces like that. What can I do to manage this button pushing issue better?

When I was asked what made me so mad, I discovered that when someone fall to meet my expectation all the past feelings of being hurt by people who failed me would come back to me. All in a sudden, this one moment of discontent triggles the sense of disappointment that is 1000 times more than what it actually worth.

How can I stop being reactive and live gracefully?

I promise myself and I honor my engagement ring to remind me to do these next time when my button is pushed:
  1. Be aware that: my blood is rushing to my head + I am short of breathe with an urge to wag someone = a sign of my button being pushed;
  2. Stop reacting;
  3. Say no to my past hurts;
  4. Set my intention to get a great experience;
  5. Do my best to live the present and to get the most out of the situation; and
  6. Appreciate what can be the benefit of the situation.

It is not a promise to put up with under performing staff or bad services. It is a promise for me to live a "button pushing free" life.


Anonymous said...

Morning Tiger Lady,
I have learned and am still learning to handle my anger.
Before I explode, I take a deep deep breath (breath out slowly and pay attention to the exhalaton from mouth) and follow by a big smile. This helps to loose much mind tension. Remind myself I should not judge others by using my own standard. It COUlD be unfair to others.
Another way I use more often now (in a spiritual sense and that is the REAL me) I ask Archangel Micheal to use his violet flame to dissolve this energy of anger when it arises. I would not permit this kind of negative energy to stay within me because they keep feeding my negative emotion/ego. This is one of the reason we find our emotion being trapped in situations similar.
Too big lesson to talk about.
Nice weekend with more herbal tea!!

Leona said...

AOTS: I like the no permission to negative energy. That is why I must stop reacting to it. I appreciate your sharing so much and cheers!